Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I should tell you what's been happening

I got a haircut!!! Finally. Most money I've ever spent on a haircut, and best money ever spent on a haircut. A whopping £42, 4 inches of damaged hair, and a fantastic hairdresser later, I walked out of the salon with ringlets I haven't seen since I was 8.

These aren't great photos, but I had my hair tied in a bun this evening. I'll try to take a proper one this weekend, when my camera comes out at the party at MY NEW FLAT. YEEEEEAH. These were taken on my new Macbook Air from work, and the curls have all settled but it sits above my shoulders when curlier.

I found somewhere on the weekend, with two choice peoples plus some. It's in Whitechapel, which is awesome since it has a massive Sainsbury's, a great art gallery, a cinema across the road and a pub on the corner. (The Blind Beggar, apparently it's notorious says James,) and within walking distance to Brickland and Shoreditch and the few friends I have in London already. :D Whitchapel has a huge Bangladeshi community, and the biggest mosque in London is down the road, and there are lots of shops selling saris, and Arabic writing everywhere, which makes me very nostalgic for travels which seem a looooong time ago now. 

My new place has a balcony and a barbeque, a huge lounge, great bathroom and kitchen, is fully furnished so I don't need to worry about anything, and couchsurfers every month! (Y'all should come and stay.) My new flatmates are lovely, social, friendly etc, a German lass and an English lad. I will miss Jenny and James though! They have been wonderful, amazingly helpful and have spoilt me rotten.

AAAAAND, I booked flights to Greece with Nana in June! Yeaaaaaah!! Though then I found out that I'm such a noddy and had booked the wrong dates so might need to do some quick sorting out. But I can't wait! Such fun! White sands, good food, a sun that isn't grey! Nana G, some site seeing, history and art.... mmmmmmm. (And a blog that becomes more interesting again, I promise.)

Hey, does anyone know the easiest/cheapest/quickest way to transfer money from NZ to the UK?

And on a very proud note, Nana G climbed the mountain with my mum, dad and brother last week! Well done family. I'm glad I wasn't in the country. LOL.

Doesn't the weather look glorious? Jealous much...

Bed time I think. Night everyone! Or good morning NZ! Actually might be afternoon by now.... 

1 comment:

  1. Your hair looks amazing and your new home sounds fantastic. Can't wait to see it...lucky me:-)

    For the record the weather was truly glorious that day. We picked one of the best and the views were incredible...stunning.I'm sure we could do another family trek up there when you get back...

    Do you have a TSB Visa credit card? If you do it's real easy to plonk money in your Visa account from here...costs nothing. Otherwise theres a $25.00 charge for a direct transfer which isn't too hideous

    I guess you're up and about and getting ready for work...putting on your warm gear. It is hard to envisage from here where it's evening and the sun is still shining and it's 22 degrees but very soon...4 months we'll be packing beach gear and sunhats nad heqading for the Greek Isles...nice

    Take care...love 'n hugs xxxooo
