Friday, November 5, 2010

Quiet day

Its Tihar, or Diwali at the moment, which hasn’t really affected HoH since they don’t celebrate it, but the kids have the day off school and there will be no power cuts for a few days, which is lovely! Cally and I wandered into Bungmati after breakfast (I forgot my camera) and all the rice is being harvested at the moment from the surrounding fields. Including Hoh. Hard work! But all of Bungamati was full of drying rice in the sun, it looks like sand from a distance. There were also dogs with tikas on their heads and garlands around theirs necks wandering around after the Dog Festival yesterday. Apparently today is the Day of the Crows, but I didn’t see anyone trying to catch the crows to anoint them with red dust, so not sure what that actually means.

We cleared out one of the store rooms yesterday to make room for the things that were in the room which is becoming the library. That was a long silly sentence.

Anyway, there were more clothes in the store room than your local Sally’s would ever have, and apparently nothing has been thrown away in the past 16 years. The kids got very excited, we found dress up clothes for them, and all the winter jackets and jumpers so they’re all dressed slightly more suitably for the cold! The dog had given birth on top of the storeroom, and I think a cat might’ve gotten locked in there at one point because the smell was TERRIBLE, along with the condition of the clothes. But after a morning of little helpers, they’ve all been sorted and cleaned, and there is a pile to go to street kids, and a pile that are in ‘new’ condition to go into storage when their house clothes or going out clothes get wrecked, and a pile that have gone straight to whatever children were missing items such as pants. The last pile is the dress up pile! I was made to take millions of pictures, but here are some of the good ones!

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And the carpet got laid in the library this afternoon! So been fairly productive, but watched the Bollywood version of StepMum after lunch, the Bollywood aspect managed to make it even more dramatic than the original but these kids are tough stuff – nothing but dry eyes and giggles from these guys.

Tomorrow is church day and I think Cally and I are going to go in with the family to Patan and see if we can find some puzzles and games, Hindi books, coloured paper/stationery and a rug for the floor. Cushions have been ordered, and it’s all going swell! Thanks so much for your donations guys, its hugely appreciated. Though Yerusha did slightly nervously ask me, “Does this mean we have to read ALL the time?” :D

Lots of love


1 comment:

  1. For the record none of your sentences are ever silly or too long. Keep 'em your blogs and photos and the humour and while reading them feel I'm living it with you...albeit in a small way. The parcel of books was posted last Wed so should be with you in 10 days. The library is such a good idea and I think you are amazing in what you've done in just a few weeks. You go you heaps. Big hugs xxxooo
