Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sunday tour–part 2. Bodhnath Stupa and Bhaktapur


We emerged from the greenery back into a bustling, dusty Kathmandu, jumped in a taxi and headed to Bodhnath Stupa, the largest Stupa in Kathmandu.


It is absolutely breathtaking. We had lunch at a little Tibetan restaurant on a rooftop overlooking the stupa where you could see everything that was going on, then walked clockwise around the stupa. They were hanging prayer flags from spire to the corners- a momentous task!


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Kinnari spinning the prayer wheels, and below prayer flags, and some of the amazing detailing.


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Standing on the stupa you can see into the beautiful, intricate Gompas (monasteries) of the Buddhist monks. Or you could if I could focus my camera properly…


THEN! We got back in the taxi, (which is basically and old beat up car with a driver for the day, here you just agree on an amount in advance then go,) and headed to Bhaktapur, a medieval city-state. I think I’ll do a seperate post, since there is so much history behind it, and I need to get some photos off of Kinnari because my camera battery died (I’m such an idiot, suprise suprise)

Love x


  1. Nice to see a pic of you as well x

  2. Yes...more pics of you please. You are lookng fantastic by the way. Love your blog...such a different and very fascinting world. Love 'n hugs xxx
